Staying Fit With Low Impact Summer Activities

It’s essential to keep active all year round. Summer is the perfect time to get outside and do activities with your friends and family. It can be hard to find ways to stay active if you have limited mobility or joint problems, so our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions would like to share some low-impact activities you can do this summer to have fun and stay fit. 

Low Impact Summer Activities

Warm temperatures and bright sunlight are an invitation from nature to get outdoors and get moving. There are ample opportunities to work low-impact exercises into your daily routine. These activities can be easy on your joints and help you improve your overall fitness. Before starting any new activities, it’s important to consult with your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to start exercising. Here are some low impact summer activities to try this season:

  • Yoga – Yoga can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. This exercise is good for your muscles and can help boost endorphins in your body while increasing your stability and flexibility. 
  • Water Aerobics – Aquatic fitness is an ideal low-impact exercise. The water supports your body and puts less stress on your muscles and joints. 
  • Gardening – Did you know that gardening can be more than just a hobby? This activity will benefit your muscles and your garden, and gardening outside allows you to enjoy the beautiful weather. 
  • Walking – Walking is by far the most popular low-impact exercise. It’s free and easily accessible. You can take a leisurely stroll or amp up the intensity and walk at a brisk pace. 
  • Tai Chi – Tai Chi can be enjoyed indoors or outdoors and is beneficial to your balance, flexibility, and stability. This practice also involves meditation and deep breathing, which can help reduce your stress and improve your mood. 

Contact Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions

Take some time to plan some low-impact exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our mission is to help our clients overcome any physical or emotional obstacles resulting from an injury or disease. We provide clients with encouragement and education that enables them to achieve the highest level of comfort and wellness. For more ideas for low-impact exercises, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today! 

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