Arthritis Awareness Month

The month of May is National Arthritis Awareness Month! Did you know that arthritis is the leading cause of disability in Americans, and it affects millions of families each year?

Here at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we are proud to celebrate Arthritis Awareness Month and spread awareness of the detriments of this condition to help those in need and move closer to a cure!

 What is Arthritis?

Those with arthritis will experience inflammation in one or more joints, resulting in pain and limited mobility in the affected joints. Several types of arthritis differ in their severity, body part affected, how it is contracted, and more. Most people who suffer from arthritis are middle-aged, with the probability of being affected increases with age.

Almost all types of arthritis include pain and limited range of motion. Below are some common types of arthritis and some of their specific effects:

  • Rheumatoid: This is an autoimmune disease that typically affects multiple joints in the hands, knees, and wrists. Symptoms might include fever or fatigue.
  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most common form of arthritis, and is usually a result of the breakdown of cartilage caused by aging. Symptoms commonly include pain, limited mobility, or inability to move certain joints or body parts.
  • Gout: This inflammatory condition tends to affect only one joint, usually at the big toe. Symptoms can include severe pain, redness, and swelling.
  • Fibromyalgia: People with fibromyalgia may experience pain more severely than those with other forms of arthritis. Symptoms may include full-body pain and stiffness, sleep difficulties, memory issues, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

 While each type of arthritis tends to differ in its cause and effect, there are some general things to consider when it comes to the onset of arthritis:

  • Age: The risk of arthritis increases with age as the body wears down.
  • Sex: Research shows that females tend to be more likely to suffer from arthritis.
  • Genes: Some underlying causes of arthritis may be hereditary.
  • Lifestyle: Eating the right foods and exercising enough can help reduce risk. People suffering from obesity or diabetes have a higher risk of developing arthritis.
  • Injury: Injuries or trauma to bones or joints can lead to or cause arthritis.

Can Arthritis Be Prevented or Treated?

Treatment for arthritis is usually aimed at preventing or reducing the pain associated with the disease. Pain medications may be prescribed to help alleviate discomfort, and in some instances, surgery may be necessary. Natural remedies, like maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, drinking water, and taking the right supplements can help alleviate painful pressure on the joints. Most often, occupational or physical therapy is recommended to help manage arthritis pain and increase mobility.

Contact Us

With Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our staff will come to your home to treat you and help you find the relief that you need. Whether it be for arthritis, injury recovery, or other disorders, our team is here to help you from the comfort of your own home. Be sure to contact us for more information about our services or to schedule an appointment today!

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