Benefits Of OT For Patients With Dementia

physical therapy home visits

Occupational therapy can help people maintain or recover the skills they need to perform daily tasks at all stages of their life. If you have a loved one living with dementia, you understand how it can inhibit their memory and function. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, physical therapy home visits,we offer occupational therapy to help maximize our patients’ level of independence in their daily life. Continue reading to discover some of the benefits of occupational therapy for patients with dementia.

How Can Occupational Therapy Help With Dementia?

Dementia is a group of memory disturbances associated with several cognitive deficits. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Occupational therapy can help an individual with dementia live independently for as long as possible. While this disease is incurable and remediation of cognitive performance is unlikely, patients may demonstrate improved function. After evaluating their environment and through certain adaptations, our occupational therapists can help dementia patients live independently for as long as possible. Here are some of the benefits that people with dementia can experience with occupational therapy:

  • Improved Safety – Many patients with dementia are at a higher risk for falls. Falls can lead to a quicker decline, hospitalization and cause patients to lose the ability to care for themselves. Our professionals can assess the safety of their environment and make practical recommendations for changes to keep them safe. Our therapists also offer guidance on how to make daily activities more manageable. 
  • Education and Support for Caregivers – Occupational therapists offer assistance to caregivers in several ways. It can be a lot of hard work to care for your loved ones, but we can help you set up a routine to streamline the process. We’ll collaborate with you to ensure that your loved ones can continue participating and enjoying their life. 
  • Enhanced Cognitive Function – Communication and cognitive function are affected by dementia. Our occupational therapists can help patients improve or maintain their cognitive function. This can include attention, learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. This can be especially useful in the early stages of the disease because it can help delay progression. 
  • Improved Strength and Balance – Our experts can also help patients restore physical skills, including strength, range of motion, and endurance. We’ll design a program that patients can comfortably engage in for their benefit. 

Contact Us: Physical Therapy Home Visits

Promoting social participation and relationships, enhancing function, and discovering ways for patients with dementia to enjoy life are vital to successful occupational therapy interventions. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, physical therapy home visits; our goal is to maximize patients’ daily living. To learn more about occupational therapy for individuals with dementia, be sure to contact us today!

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