The Best Forms Of Exercise For Seniors

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As we continue to age, it becomes easier and more comfortable to convert to a sedentary lifestyle. However, making this decision can have various adverse effects. When seniors begin to stop moving around, it becomes more and more challenging to start up again. Fortunately, our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions can help work against this problem. We want to present some of the best forms of exercise for seniors to stay active while also remaining safe.

Light Aerobic Exercises  

Exercises that increase your heart rate and help break a sweat are always beneficial. Aerobic exercises can help improve blood circulation while also working to keep you at a healthy weight. While seniors may not push themselves as they did, it is still essential to perform moderate ones when possible. Some aerobic exercises that are safe to perform (depending on your health status) can include the following:

  • Walking.
  • Jogging.
  • Dancing.
  • Swimming.
  • Stationary biking.

Strength Exercises

Aerobic exercises are not the only activities people in the senior population need to focus on. Keeping your muscles active and healthy is just as crucial for your overall health. However, our staff won’t be recommending seniors start adding heavy workouts such as deadlifting into their daily routines. Instead, there are safer ways for people of an older age to achieve this goal. High repetitions of low amounts of weight are excellent for muscle toning. Additionally, resistance bands can be used to help improve your strength without needing to pick up any weights.   

The Benefits Of Exercising

Now that some forms of exercising that seniors should consider participating in have been discussed, our team would now like to address how it can help you. Patients should be confident that our staff would not have them perform activities that did not benefit them. By listening to our advice, the perks you can receive may include:

  • Improved mental health.
  • Increased energy levels.
  • Preventing the development of certain health complications.
  • Decreased risk of falls and other balance problems.
  • Enhanced cognitive function.

Contact Us

If you’re a part of the senior population, don’t think you need to avoid physical activity altogether. By listening to our team’s advice, you can reap the health benefits that accompany safe exercise. For more information on how we can help, please be sure to contact our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions today.

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