How Can I Do Speech Therapy at Home?

As we have been spending more time at home while resources are limited, it can be easy to fall behind on a lot. This is especially true for speech therapy patients. Speech therapists work to create a program for patients which often involves continuous appointments. We understand that it can be difficult to attend these appointments at this time which is why we think it is important to work on your speech therapy on your own! Here at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we want to see your progress which is why we offer in-home speech therapy on Long Island. 

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy can be used for both children and adults. It is a form of therapy that focuses on your speech, pronunciation, and communication. Often, people experience some underlying issues that can make these things more difficult. Some of these underlying issues may be:

  • Articulation Disorder- This means it can be difficult to pronounce certain word sounds.
  • Fluency Disorder- This is when it is hard for a person to create sentences and flow through their words correctly.
  • Expressive Disorder- This happens when a person has difficulty expressing their feelings/concerns through words.
  • Receptive Disorders- This is when a person has difficulty understanding others and what they mean by their words.

These are some of the many different conditions that can impact your speech. We offer in-home speech therapy on Long Island. Our doctors will access a potential patient to decide if speech therapy is right for them. The amount of therapy, the intensity of the therapy, and time of the therapy of the patient all depend on the reasoning for speech therapy, and their specific success rate. We believe it is important to get evaluated for speech therapy if you think you may benefit from it. It may help you communicate better than you ever have!

At-Home Exercises

Unfortunately, being away from speech therapy for a long time can prevent improvement. This is why it is important to keep up with your speech therapy while you’re home! Luckily, there are some exercises you can do at home without a speech therapist! Here are some tips for in-home speech therapy on Long Island:

  • Schedule a speech therapy time! Scheduling a specific time to do your exercises can encourage you to continue every day!
  • Make a plan. Our speech therapists always begin by making a plan for patients. This means that we evaluate the patient and then figure out which exercises will benefit them! Practicing some exercises may help you find which ones are the best for you.
  • Choose a speech therapy room. Holding your speech therapy sessions in the same place in your home every time can help create a routine!
  • Remove distraction. It can be extremely helpful to find a quiet place to help you focus!
  • Have a family member help! Having someone else involved in these sessions can be helpful when you want to try to practice communicating with others.
  • Reward your effort! It can be difficult to practice speech especially when you are alone and at home. Reward yourself when you see progress!

Contact Us For In-Home Speech Therapy on Long Island

We understand it can be hard to practice speech. This is even harder when you are on your own and at home! Here at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we are here for you! Even if we cannot come to you, it doesn’t mean we have stopped working for you. Our staff is working harder than ever and cannot wait for us to be able to return. If you have any questions about in-home speech therapy on Long Island, contact us!

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