Physical Therapy For Fall Prevention

As we continue to age, one of the most common issues we need to be aware of is an increased likelihood of falls and balance issues. While this may not seem like a big deal, the truth is that falls can come with serious injuries. Here at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our team can help prevent this from happening. We can offer physical therapy sessions to help combat the likelihood of falls so you can remain as healthy as possible.

Potential Injuries To Be Aware Of 

As previously stated, falls can lead to a wide range of injuries and medical issues. Understanding what they are may have patients take the matter more seriously, which is why our team would like to spend some time sharing them. Some of the most common injuries a person can face as a result of falling includes:

  • Broken bones.
  • Ligament sprains and tears.
  • Muscle contusions.
  • Head injuries.
  • Dislocations.

Risk Factors To Be Aware Of

Patients should not wait until after they have fallen and sustained an injury to start working on preventing falls. The sooner you begin the process, the higher the likelihood that it will be successful. That is why our team wants to make patients aware of the common risk factors that point to falls potentially being a standard part of their future. If you begin to recognize any of the below in your life, you should consider starting a physical therapy program with us:

  • Living a relatively sedentary lifestyle in old age.
  • Noticing you have begun to have trouble keeping your balance.
  • Becoming easily fatigued.
  • Generalized muscle weakness in the legs.
  • Limited flexibility and range of motion.
  • Pain in the joints located in the lower half of your body.   

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Physical therapy involves therapeutic stretches and strength exercises to correct medical issues that the patient is dealing with. When it comes to improving one’s balance and preventing falls, various aspects allow for this to be achieved. Some of what you can expect may include the below:

  • Exercises and stretches specifically tailored to assist with balance.
  • Strength training to correct any weakness and problematic imbalances.
  • Endurance training to ensure falls don’t take place as a result of tiredness.
  • Physical activities aimed at restoring any pain that could lead to future falls.

Schedule An Appointment

One of the best aspects about working with our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions is that our team will travel right to your home to administer care. If you’ve been avoiding traveling due to the fear of falling, working with our team is the perfect solution. For more information on how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us today and schedule your first appointment.   

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