Ways You Can Stay Active This Winter

Just because the days are shorter and the temperature is colder, it doesn’t mean you have to skip out on your workouts. Although finding the motivation can be difficult, pushing through the urge to be inactive all winter will do wonders for your body. For those wanting to stay active this winter, our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions is here to help. We’ll let you know some of the best ways to do so, allowing you to stay healthy.  

At-Home Classes

You don’t need to sign up for a gym or visit other fitness facilities to stay active this winter.  With access to the internet, at-home fitness opportunities have significantly increased.  It doesn’t take long to find some free online classes for easy-to-do, low-impact exercise routines.  Yoga is a perfect example of this.  Yoga is a form of exercise where an instructor guides you through each session to help place your body in various positions, which promote stretching and strength building.  If you try this and enjoy the free classes, you can even sign up for an online premium subscription to get access to the newest styles!  However, if yoga isn’t quite your speed, there are other low-impact courses to consider as well.  Some of the most beneficial include:

  • Pilates.
  • Zumba.
  • Walk Aerobics.    

Hit The (Body) Weights

In addition to the previously mentioned at-home options, there are other ways to stay active without having to step foot outside this winter.  Those interested in building upon their strength but who don’t have access to workout equipment can find the results they’re seeking by performing bodyweight exercises.  By clearing a bit of space in your living room, you can create your own workout area for this! Bodyweight training is a great way to stay in shape and can be done right in your house. Examples of the exercises that go into this can include:

  • Pushups.
  • Situps.
  • Lunges.
  • Squats.
  • Crunches.

Running And Jogging

Some people find that running and jogging in the cold weather comes more easily to them than when doing so in the extreme heat of summer. If you don’t want to move around in your house, going for a run or jog is an excellent option. However, you must be careful to avoid becoming injured. Those who plan on getting outside for a workout need to follow the below tips:

  • Dress warmly and in layers.
  • Warm-up before going out.
  • Don’t go for a run if it has recently snowed or it is icy out.
  • Be hypervigilant of black ice.    

Contact Us 

While staying active does have its perks, it’s important to remember that it can also come with injury risks. If you are someone who suffers an injury this winter, our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions will be there to help. To schedule an appointment with our team, contact us today. 

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