What Are The Benefits Of Speech Therapy For Seniors?

Speech therapy is often associated with helping kids or young adults resolve speech difficulties and improve communication. Communication is fundamental at any age but is absolutely vital for seniors. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our dedicated speech therapists develop personalized care plans to suit every patient’s needs. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of speech therapy for seniors. 

When Is Speech Therapy Necessary For Seniors?

Speech therapy often becomes necessary for seniors recovering from the unfortunate consequences of dementia, stroke, or head injury. Communication is essential for seniors because an emergency situation can occur if they cannot describe their needs. Ignoring speech and communication issues can lead to several consequences. Speech therapy should be considered if your loved one exhibits the following:

  • Difficulty responding to questions. 
  • Difficulty managing their personal, financial, or medical matters. 
  • Displays an inability to avoid potentially dangerous situations. 

Benefits Of Speech Therapy For Seniors

When speech is affected by age or illness, it can be challenging to communicate effectively. Our team offers speech therapy specialized for senior patients to provide benefits far beyond improved communication. Here are some of the ways speech therapy can help:

  • Improved ability to swallow – Age-weakened muscles can lead to a diminished ability to swallow. This can increase a patient’s likelihood of choking. Speech therapy can strengthen the vocal cords, larynx, and jaw muscles and improve the swallowing reflex. This improvement increases safety and comfort during meals. 
  • Strengthened vocal cords – The vocal cords lose their elasticity with age, weakening the larynx and affecting communication. Speech therapy can strengthen the vocal cords and improve the quality of communication. 
  • Treat Dementia and memory loss – Those suffering from dementia and memory loss can benefit from speech therapy even if their speech is normal. This therapy preserves brain function and addresses cognitive aspects of communication. 
  • Manage stroke-related disorders – Those dealing with aphasia and apraxia stemming from a stroke are good candidates for speech therapy. Immediate treatment can increase their chances of making a full recovery. 
  • Improves quality of life – Communication is vital, and many seniors with untreated speech issues experience isolation and medical problems. Improving a senior’s ability to speak will enhance their safety, health, and quality of life. 

Contact Us

At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our speech therapy program consists of support, treatment, and care for those having trouble communicating, swallowing, and experiencing difficulties with cognition. Contact us today to learn more about our senior speech therapy services.

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