Prevention of Injuries in the Geriatric Community

As someone gets older, it comes with a lot of changes to how they live. Incidents that they could once walk off and go about their day without any issue when they were younger suddenly become life-altering when they are elderly. There are ways to make sure it’s less likely to occur, ranging from a change in footwear to organizing a living space and reaping the benefits of physical therapy for seniors. Contact Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions today to learn more. 

The Stats of Falls Among the Elderly

The stats do not lie. There are plenty of elderly people suffering from injuries as a result of falling. From the CDC:

  • A serious injury is created from one out of every five falls.
  • The death rate from falls has risen every year from 2007 to 2016.
  • Over three million elderly Americans a year are treated in the emergency room for fall-related injuries.

Things That Can Help Limit Chances of Injury

It might seem like it’s inevitable for the elderly to suffer injuries with one in four in the United States of America suffering from a fall every year and the rates being double for those that have already fallen. But there are ways to decrease the chances of it happening. Things like:

  • Checking Your Home for Safety Hazards- From shoes to rugs to a pile of laundry, any of these can cause someone to trip and fall. To prevent them from being an issue, keep the necessities organized in spots that are out of the way and keep areas clear of messes so someone can walk through with no problem. 
  • Exercise- It might seem like moving around might increase the risk of injury by fall, but it’s found that exercising regularly, in particular physical activity focused on strength and balance, can lessen the chances of falling. 
  • Choose Your Footwear Carefully Some footwear, like sandals and high heels, are far more likely to cause the wearer to fall than other footwear. So when it comes to picking what to wear on your foot, stick with the shoes that are easy to walk in.
  • See Your Doctor- It can be hard to find the time, but make the time to see a doctor and have a discussion with them. Go over medications that you are taking and the side effects of them, talk about any falls you had in the past with as many details as you can remember, and go over any conditions you have to get a clearer picture of what you are facing and how to address it.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Seniors

At first thought, it might seem like to receive the benefits of physical therapy for seniors that they have to be injured, but that’s not the case. As trained medical professionals, physical therapists can help their patients figure out the best ways to prevent injuries before it happens. They can inform their patients of their limits, when to progress their exercises, which types of physical activity would help them most, and more. With the help of their therapist, the patient can maintain their physical health safely.

Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions 

If you are or a loved one is looking to experience the benefits of physical therapy for seniors, Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions can help with our team of professionals. We can be contacted through this link.

Lower Body Strength For Increased Longevity

Your body changes a lot throughout your lifetime. While it’s no secret that strength training and cardio are good for you, strength training and building lower body strength can increase longevity. Through strength training, you can improve your ability to perform everyday activities, enhance your mood, and minimize your aches and pains. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we offer rehabilitative programs that can be done in your home. We focus on improving and maintaining our patients’ wellness through therapeutic exercises and activities.

Lower Body Strength for Increased Longevity

Your lower body propels you through life and allows you to perform activities that enrich your quality of life. The strength of your legs plays a vital role in your health and can be a strong predictor of your longevity. As we age, our strength and other basic bodily functions can begin to deteriorate. Neglecting your lower body strength can put you at risk for several adverse effects, including:

  • Increase the likelihood of falls. 
  • Increased risk of ulcers and sores. 
  • Pain and joint stiffness. 

When you meet with a member of our team, we will carefully evaluate your current condition and customize a treatment plan with realistic goals to improve your strength. Our goal is to help our patients achieve a level of independence that allows them to lead a healthy and happy life. Lower body strength is not only beneficial for your physical health. Leg strength can also help an aging brain. Cognitive function tends to decline as we age, but there is a strong connection between physical strength and cognitive function. Studies have shown a relationship between leg strength and cognitive diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. There are ways to improve lower body strength at any age. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we can help you come up with ways to stay active safely. 

Contact Us Today!

Many people believe that physical therapy is only necessary when you’ve been injured. Physical therapy can be beneficial to patients at any time. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our physical therapists will help you determine the safest and best ways to improve your lower body strength so that you can maintain your physical health. If you are looking for ways to increase your longevity through strength training, please contact our team today! 

How Do I Know If I Have RA?

Everyone can experience joint pain from time to time. As we get older, this just becomes an expected part of your daily life. However, if your joint pain is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, your life can get more complicated. Here at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we understand that it can be challenging to cope with RA pain. Identifying RA early on can potentially help you manage your symptoms later on. To learn more about this condition, continue reading below. 

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint pain and inflammation. This condition can occur when your immune system attacks your own tissues. This condition will usually affect your hands, knees, and ankles and lead to other complications in other parts of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis will usually bring forward the following symptoms:

  • Joint stiffness that is worse after activity or upon waking. 
  • Tender, swollen, warm joints. 
  • Fatigue.
  • Fever.
  • Loss of appetite. 

In its early stages, RA typically affects your smaller joints first. You might notice pain and stiffness in the joints that attach your fingers to your hands and your toes to your feet. As this painful disease progresses, the symptoms will spread to your shoulders, hips, ankles, knees, and wrists. Our team understands that this condition can be painful and cause you significant discomfort. It would be best if you did not try to handle your rheumatoid arthritis on your own or ignore it. While there is no cure for RA, our team can help you manage your condition. You may have a negative outlook on your condition, but there are still steps you can take to improve your quality of life. Depending on the severity of your situation, the following can be utilized to help your symptoms:

  • Physical therapy exercises.
  • Steroid injections.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Surgery.
  • Joint Braces.

Contact HARS Today! 

Unfortunately, rheumatoid arthritis can quickly harm one’s quality of life. However, all is not lost! At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we can help you cope with RA’s symptoms through a personalized program. To learn more about how we can help, or to schedule an appointment, contact our team today! 

Treating Joint Dislocations for the Elderly

As we age, we lose some balance and mobility that can potentially put us at risk of injuries and health issues. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our goal is to help our patients remain as healthy as possible. We offer various services to help patients deal with injuries and help them lead more independent lives. Please continue reading to learn how we treat joint dislocations. 

What is a Joint Dislocation?

A dislocation is caused by the bones in a joint being forced out of their usual positions. Dislocations are generally caused by traumatic impact injuries such as falls or car accidents. For smaller joints, less impact is needed to drive the joint to dislocate. Joints that have previously been dislocated can become more susceptible to dislocations, as the tissue holding the joint in place may have been stretched. Most of the joints in the body can become dislocated, but some are injured more commonly than others. Shoulder dislocations are most common among adults. Older adults tend to have poorer balance, making them more vulnerable to falls. Ligament and muscle weakness is also an issue that older adults face due to lack of fitness. Dislocations are usually easily visible. The area can be discolored and swollen or may appear deformed as a result. Some other symptoms can include:

  • Inability to move the area. 
  • Pain during movement. 
  • Numbness or tingling in the area. 

Treating Joint Dislocations

If you have a joint dislocation, you should seek out help immediately. Trying to put the joint back in place yourself can lead to further injury. After the joint has been safely moved back into position, you may need a physical therapist to help you rehabilitate. Our team will evaluate your condition and determine the appropriate rehabilitation for your injury. For elderly patients, the goal of rehabilitation is to improve your strength and range of motion and help educate you on how to prevent these injuries from reoccurring. Falls are one of the leading causes of injuries for seniors, so we will work with you to minimize your risk of falls. Some of the ways you can prevent dislocations from occurring could include:

  • Using handrails when using staircases. 
  • Remove tripping hazards from the home. 
  • Physical therapy treatment to improve balance and improve strength. 

Contact Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions

A joint dislocation can be difficult to manage on your own and can keep you from living your life comfortably. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we offer rehabilitation services that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can help! 

Common In-Home Injuries for Senior Citizens

Most senior citizens want to live in their homes for as long as possible. The question that arises with this is how to accomplish this safely. Unfortunately, aging diminishes balance, strength, eyesight, and memory, which can affect a senior’s ability to perform daily living activities. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our mission is to make a positive difference in our clients’ lives. We provide our clients with the help they need to safely ensure that they achieve the highest level of independence to remain in their homes. 

In-Home Injuries

Home should be a place where we feel safe. If you are a senior citizen, there may be certain dangers in your home that put you at risk of injury. To avoid this, you should be aware of the common injuries that typically affect senior citizens at home:

  • Falls

Many injuries that occur in the home for seniors are related to falls. As you age, your mobility can become more limited and put you at risk of falling. Falls can often be the result of uneven surfaces and floors, unstable furniture, and poor lighting. Other risk factors for falls include lower body weakness, balance, walking difficulties, and poor footwear. Seniors that fall can suffer from broken bones or even brain injuries. 

  • Sprains

Sprains are not nearly as painful as fractures, but they are prevalent among senior citizens. As we age, the tendons in our hands and ankles become less flexible, which increases the risk of strains and sprains. Simple activities like standing up or catching themselves from a fall can all cause a sprain. Uneven surfaces can also trip seniors up and cause injury. 

  • Burns

Another common injury that affects seniors in the home are burns. This injury is common for those who cook regularly, but burns can result from an appliance malfunction, cooking accident, or product malfunction. Burns are among the leading causes of fatal injuries among seniors since seniors have a harder time responding to fire treatments. 

Contact Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions

At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our team offers an extensive range of services to help seniors avoid injuries in the home and rehabilitate them if an injury occurs. From in-home physical therapy and occupational therapy to obtaining durable medical equipment, we aim to provide our patients with the safety and independence they need to stay in their homes as long as possible. To learn more about our services, contact our team today! 

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