How Can Seniors Keep Active In The Summer?

Every summer, it becomes more difficult to stay active and motivated because of the dreadful heat. Activities that you do outdoors may become dangerous in the summer due to the rising temperature, especially if you are a senior citizen. Many seniors lose ideas for exercise because it is too risky to be outside for too long. Staying active will help you retain muscle strength which is extremely important as you get older. Do not lose motivation in the summer; you just need to change the way you exercise and prioritize hydration and staying cool. Our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions has wonderful exercise plans for senior citizens. So, if you are tired of typing “in-home physical therapy near me” into google and not finding what you need, contact us today. We would love to help you! 

Types of Activities 

As a senior citizen, you need to be aware of the temperature outside each day. Stay indoors or at least out of the sun during the afternoon. Any activities you take part in should be done in the early morning or evening. Here are a few ideas for you: 

  • Morning Walks
  • Water Workouts (If you have access to a pool) 
  • Very Lightweight Exercises 

These are just a few suggestions that can help you keep a summer routine. Many people type in home physical therapy near me into google in order to find professional help. Ditch that way of doing things and come see us. We have a great team eager to help! 

Heat Warnings 

The temperature can be well under 100 degrees and still cause serious harm. In order to avoid injury from the heat, you need to stay cool and drink plenty of fluids, preferably water. Stay away from caffeinated drinks or alcoholic beverages. 

It is vital that you stay out of the sun and do most of your activities in the morning or evening. Also, have someone with you if you need to go outside. Stop typing in home physical therapy near me into google. Come right to us and utilize our help! 

Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions(HARS): In Home Physical Therapy Near Me

Our team is dedicated, professional, and personable when it comes to our jobs. We are passionate when we come to work each morning. If you are looking for in home physical therapy near me then come see us so we can help you get what you need! Visit our website today! We would be excited to serve you! 


Speech Therapy Exercises for Adults

Having a difficult time communicating can be incredibly frustrating. Speech therapy is a fundamental component of rehabilitation for a variety of conditions associated with aging and developmental disorders. Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions offers speech therapy to adults experiencing communication and swallowing disorders to help patients improve their communication skills. Continue reading to discover some beneficial speech therapy exercises for adults. 

Speech Therapy Exercises For Adults 

While most people associate speech therapy with young children, speech therapy for adults can help patients strengthen their communication skills and eliminate specific deficits or challenges. Many adult patients ignore their need to seek support because they believe they are too old for speech therapy. However, speech therapy can be especially helpful after a neurological injury like a stroke. Speech therapy exercises can help improve language disorders like aphasia, which occur when the brain’s language center becomes damaged after an injury. These exercises spark neuroplasticity in the brain, allowing healthy areas of the brain to take over language function. 

Here are some frequently recommended speech exercises for adults. *As always, please consult a Speech Language Pathologist before beginning a any medical routine.

  • Tongue Strengthening – You can try tongue strengthening exercises to combat weakness in the tongue. Sticking your tongue out side to side or in and out can increase this muscle. 
  • Practice Smiling – This simple exercise can help improve your oral motor skills. Practice smiling in front of a mirror. Smile big, and relax. Repeat this exercise as much as possible. A mirror is essential for this exercise because it provides feedback, fueling the brain. 
  • Practice a Kissing Face – After practicing smiles, try puckering your lips to make a kissing face. Repeat this exercise as much as possible, and try slowing down the movement to increase control. 
  • Vowel and Consonant Pairing – Try to take a consonant you struggle with and pair it with each vowel. If you have trouble producing an “r” sound, try saying “ra, re, ri, ro, ru” repeatedly. 
  • Breathing – Many patients experience difficulty regulating their breathing while speaking after a stroke. This can cause them to take breaths in the middle of sentences, making it difficult to be understood or speak at length. Performing breathing exercises can help you regulate your breathing and relearn how to construct sentences and breathe properly while speaking. 

Contact Us

Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions offers speech therapy programs to fit your needs and adapt to your needs over time. We aim to help you improve your communication skills through targeted speech therapy exercises. Be sure to contact us today to learn more and request an appointment! 


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