How To Reduce Pain Caused By Arthritis

When your joints are in pain and not performing up to par, it can wreak havoc on your daily life. Arthritis pain can strike nearly anywhere in the body, but there are steps you can take to reduce pain caused by arthritis. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we recommend in-home physical therapy to those struggling to manage their arthritis pain. During Pain Awareness Month, our team would like to bring special attention to the pain and suffering frequently caused by arthritis. Continue reading to learn more about how physical therapy can help reduce arthritis pain. 

How To Reduce Arthritis Pain

Learning how to manage arthritis is the first step in reducing pain. You can do many things to learn how to manage your condition and make dealing with the pain easier. One way to reduce your arthritis pain is by knowing what you need to watch out for if you start feeling symptoms of a flare-up. You should understand that you should not “tough it out” if you begin to experience symptoms of a flare-up because they can get even worse over time. While arthritis pain can be disabling at times, physical activity can help reduce pain. Your joints need stimulation to avoid putting more pressure on the cartilage that was damaged by arthritis. If your joints are healthy, you reduce pain and inflammation that can cause even more physical damage over time.

Physical Therapy for Arthritis Pain

Physical therapists can help you deal with the pain caused by arthritis by moving safely and effectively. Our physical therapists can show you what exercises you need to do to stay as flexible and strong as possible. Flexibility and strength are important factors contributing to how well your joints cope with issues such as arthritis. The exercises can also work to improve the way your joints work together, which will lead to a reduction in pain. Maintaining physical fitness can help preserve your ability to perform daily tasks and support your joints. Here are some additional ways that physical therapy can relieve arthritis pain:

  • Specialized treatments like therapeutic massage and hot and cold therapy can target your arthritis pain at the source.
  • Exercises can improve or restore your range of motion. 
  • Physical therapy can increase muscle tone and strength, which aids in supporting the joints. 

Contact Us

Physical therapy can be an effective way to manage arthritis pain for those affected by this disease. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we design highly targeted and personalized in-home programs to meet the needs of each individual. To discover if physical therapy is suitable for your arthritis pain, contact our team today! 

How Does Physical Therapy Help With Pain?

When dealing with chronic pain, you’ve probably exhausted every treatment option available to find relief. While getting up and moving may be the last thing on your mind, physical activity can actually be one of the most beneficial pain management options. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we provide in-home physical therapy services to help our patients manage their pain and lead healthy and active lifestyles. Throughout the month of September, our team would like to bring awareness to issues relating to pain for Pain Awareness Month. Continue reading to learn more about how physical therapy can effectively help your pain. 

Physical Therapy For Pain

Everyone experiences pain from time to time. Pain was originally thought to be an indicator of an injury, but it is now known that it can also be a warning signal that alerts us to potential harm and protects us from damage. Feeling pain does not necessarily mean that a physical injury has taken place. When you better understand pain, you can discover different treatment options to help you manage your discomfort. Our physical therapists are trained in many different treatment techniques to help manage pain. They use their hands to detect areas of tension or tightness in your body, as well as mobility restrictions. They can quickly identify how you’re using your muscles and what is putting stress on them that could be causing you discomfort. 

Physical therapy can be used for chronic pain management by working with you to create an exercise program that maximizes your mobility, decreases tension, and helps with balance and stability. Your physical therapist may use passive or active therapy to reduce pain. Passive treatments can consist of electric stimulation, ultrasound therapy, or heat and ice therapy. Some examples of active treatment may include:

  • Stretching, flexibility, and range of motion exercises. 
  • Strengthening exercises. 
  • Low-impact aerobic exercises. 
  • Pain-relief movements. 

Our dedicated physical therapists will evaluate your condition to determine the best treatment options for pain management. When working with our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, you can rest assured that your care will be designed to fit your unique needs.

Contact Us

Chronic pain doesn’t have to control your life. Our experienced physical therapists at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions are here to provide you with more information on how physical therapy can help you manage your pain. We provide in-home therapy services so you can improve your symptoms in the comfort of your own home. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

Physical Therapy for Hip Dislocations

No matter the cause, a hip dislocation can be extraordinarily painful. In severe cases, a hip dislocation can leave you unable to move your leg and also cause you to lose sensation in your foot or ankle. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we provide in-home physical therapy to treat hip dislocations and speed up the recovery process. Continue reading to learn more about physical therapy for hip dislocations. 

Hip Dislocation

The hip is a large ball and socket joint, and when a dislocation occurs, the ball of the joint has been knocked out of its socket. As a result, the surrounding muscles, ligaments, labrum, and soft tissues keeping the bones in place are often damaged. Hip dislocations can even lead to further injury to the nerves around the hip. The hip is an inherently stable joint, making dislocations rare. However, a hip dislocation can be caused by a car accident, fall, or another traumatic event. Some of the signs of hip dislocation include:

  • Pain.
  • Muscle spasm.
  • Visible physical deformity. 
  • Inability to stand or bear weight on the hip. 

A dislocated hip is a severe injury that needs immediate attention. Immediately following the injury, the hip needs to be put back in place as soon as possible. Once the patient has been cleared to bear weight on the hip, physical therapy can begin. 

Physical Therapy for Hip Dislocations

A hip dislocation is a traumatic and serious injury that can hinder a person’s daily function. When the hip is relocated, and pain has reduced significantly, physical therapy can begin. The purpose of physical therapy treatment for hip dislocations is to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and improve hip strength and stability. Here are some of the ways physical therapy facilitates healing following a hip dislocation:

  • Weight Bearing and Gait Activities – These help patients rely less on assistive devices and progress towards full weight-bearing. 
  • Range Of Motion – Safely improves range of motion as the muscles and ligaments heal. 
  • Stabilization – Targeted activities to work on the hip stabilizers in functional positions to improve hip joint stability.

Contact Us

At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our goal with physical therapy for hip dislocations is to facilitate a safe and comfortable recovery process and help our patients get back to doing the activities they enjoy. To learn more about our at-home physical therapy services, be sure to contact our team today!

Most Common Causes of Falls in the Elderly

The leading cause of injury, hospital admissions, and death among older adults are falls. Seniors are not only more prone to falling, but they are also more susceptible to fall-related injuries. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our team provides home-based interventions, education, and encouragement to achieve the highest safety and independence level in their homes and communities. Please continue reading to learn more about common causes of falls in the elderly and how our team can help.

Common Causes of Falls in the Elderly

Knowing and understanding why elderly patients are at an increased risk of falls can help patients stay safely on their feet. Several factors can contribute to falls, including some of the following:

  • Poor Vision Even if an elderly individual is in good physical condition, age-related eye problems can make it challenging to detect fall hazards. Failing to follow recommendations for eye treatments, including wearing glasses or using low vision equipment, can lead to a nasty tumble. 
  • A Decline in Fitness – It’s not uncommon to become less active as you age. However, this can worsen the effects of aging. If a senior does not exercise regularly, it can result in decreased bone mass, reduced muscle strength and flexibility, and loss of coordination and balance. All of these factors can contribute to an increased risk of falling. 
  • Environmental Factors – Many falls that occur within the elderly population occur in or around the home. Poor lighting, loose carpets, clutter, or slick floors can impact the senior’s safety in their home. 
  • Behavioral Factors – Fall risk can be influenced by a patient’s unique behaviors and lifestyle. This can include the activities they regularly engage in, and the physical demand required. Some daily tasks can become more difficult as we age, but failing to modify certain behaviors to account for this is a common contributing factor for falls in seniors. 

Contact Us Today

Falls don’t only occur due to the reasons mentioned above. When these factors combine, they can lead to potentially life-threatening injuries. Our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions is here to help keep your loved ones safe and healthy. We provide in-home rehabilitation services to help patients achieve greater levels of safety and independence and educate them on how to modify their homes and lifestyles to prevent injuries. Contact our team today to learn more!

Treatment Plans For Shoulder Bursitis

The shoulder joint plays a vital role in nearly everything we do on a daily basis. When you are dealing with shoulder pain, you quickly become aware of how well-used the shoulder joint is for you. Shoulder bursitis is a common condition with symptoms that can range from minor inconvenience to debilitating pain. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we offer various home-based solutions to help patients manage their pain and improve their quality of life. Continue reading to learn more about shoulder bursitis and how you can treat it at home. 

What Is Shoulder Bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis, or impingement syndrome, occurs when there is redness and swelling between the tip of the shoulder and top of the arm bone. The bones, tendons, and muscles near your joints are cushioned by tiny fluid-filled sacs known as bursae. When the bursae become inflamed, bursitis occurs. Shoulder bursitis is most commonly caused by overuse but can be associated with other conditions such as arthritis or tendonitis. Trauma to the shoulder joint can also lead to bursitis. Some of the symptoms of shoulder bursitis may include the following:

  • Restricted range of motion. 
  • Swelling and redness around the joint. 
  • Pain at the tip of your shoulder. 
  • Pain with contact. 

Home Treatment For Bursitis

When the bursa in the shoulder is inflamed, carrying out your usual activities can make the problem worse. While you should limit painful activities, all movement does not need to stop. 

At-home treatments for shoulder bursitis are usually adequate in managing bursitis symptoms and easing pain and inflammation. Here are some home treatments for this condition you can try under the guidance of our team:

  • Rest – Since bursitis is often caused by inflammation, allowing your shoulder to rest can help reduce symptoms. Avoid certain activities that worsen symptoms.
  • Heat and Cold – Applying ice packs at the onset of your pain can provide significant relief. Heat can also be applied to help blood flow in the shoulder while alleviating pain. 
  • Stretches – Once some of your pain and inflammation subsides, shoulder stretches can help increase your range of motion. Our team will show you how to perform low-impact stretches that you can do daily. 
  • Physical Therapy – The best treatments for shoulder bursitis combine home remedies with further intervention when needed. Our physical therapists will work with you to correct any mechanical issues that may have caused your inflammation and implement exercises that strengthen the muscles that support your shoulder while improving your range of motion. This can lower your risk of further injury. 

Contact Our Office

At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we provide comprehensive rehabilitation in a home setting. If you are ready to address your shoulder pain, consider contacting us today to schedule your first session!

Treating Osteonecrosis Of The Hip

Bones are living and growing tissue. Like all other tissue in the body, our bones depend on blood vessels to circulate blood to keep them alive. The hip joint only contains a few blood vessels to transport blood, and when there is an interruption of blood flow to the head of the femur, osteonecrosis of the hip can occur. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we provide in-home rehabilitative services to patients dealing with limited mobility or recovering from surgery. Continue reading to learn more about osteonecrosis of the hip. 

What is Osteonecrosis?

Osteonecrosis, or bone death, is an excruciating condition that occurs when the hip bone collapses and the cartilage loses its support. Since the cartilage loses the support of the bone, the joint surface can quickly wear down, and arthritis can progress. Osteonecrosis of the hip has few warning signs. The main complaint is new hip pain and trouble walking. Some other symptoms of this condition can include:

  • Aching groin pain. 
  • Pain when moving the hip. 
  • Trouble walking or limping. 

Treating Hip Osteonecrosis

Osteonecrosis of the hip tends to progress fairly quickly, despite intervention. In the early stages of this condition, anti-inflammatory medications, activity modification, and crutches can be helpful. However, surgery is typically a more successful treatment option. Some of the different surgical procedures used to treat osteonecrosis of the hip may include:

  • Core Decompression.
  • Bone and Cartilage Grafting.
  • Total Hip Replacement.

After undergoing hip surgery, you may require physical therapy to restore strength and mobility to your hip. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we offer in-home physical therapy to help patients achieve optimal functional mobility and comfort levels. Our staff will evaluate your condition following your procedure and establish a comprehensive plan of care focused on relieving your pain, improving your range of motion, strength, and balance. 

Contact Our Team

At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our goal is to help patients achieve the highest level of functionality and comfort following an injury or surgical procedure. Osteonecrosis can be a painful condition that significantly affects your ability to get around, and many patients with this condition require surgery. Our team offers in-home rehabilitative services to help patients recover after their procedure. Contact our team to learn more!

Recovering from Back Surgery

Deciding to undergo back surgery can be a daunting task, but sometimes it is the only way to provide relief. For patients who have decided to have back surgery, it is essential to prepare for the postoperative recovery period. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we want our patients to be well-prepared for their recovery. Our team would like to provide some information about the recovery process following back surgery and how they may improve their experience. 

Different Back Procedures

Back surgery is often the last resort for treating back issues. Those that have experienced herniated or ruptured disks, vertebral fractures, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disk disease may be candidates for surgical treatment. Here are some examples of different back procedures:

  • Spinal Decompression. 
  • Discectomy.
  • Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty.
  • Foraminotomy.
  • Spinal Fusion.
  • Artificial Disk Replacement.

Back Surgery Recovery

After back surgery, the length of your recovery time will depend on several factors, including age and physical condition before the procedure. Your specific experience will also depend on the type of back surgery you had, and the recovery period can range anywhere from a few months to a year. Whichever procedure you had, it’s essential to care for your back after surgery. Here are some tips to help you towards a successful recovery:

  • Optimize your fitness before surgery – If your body is properly conditioned before your procedure, you have a higher chance of a quicker and easier recovery. Consult with one of our physical therapists before your surgery. We can help you strengthen your back and help keep your joints strong. 
  • Keep moving – Rest is essential to your recovery, but many doctors want you to start moving again as soon as possible. Your strength and stamina can decline rapidly with just a few days of inactivity. Keep your joints moving after your surgery to avoid stiffness and weakness. Always consult with your doctor to make sure you do not further injure yourself. 
  • Prioritize your rehabilitation – Rehab is arguably the most critical part of your recovery, and you should start thinking about it well before the surgery. Delaying your rehab can be detrimental to your progress after surgery. Our team offers in-home physical therapy to help our patients achieve maximum wellness. 

Contact HARS

At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our goal is to help our patients achieve their full potential. We offer physical therapy and rehabilitation services to help facilitate your body’s healing process and get you back to optimal function. Contact our team to learn more. 

Staying Fit With Low Impact Summer Activities

It’s essential to keep active all year round. Summer is the perfect time to get outside and do activities with your friends and family. It can be hard to find ways to stay active if you have limited mobility or joint problems, so our team at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions would like to share some low-impact activities you can do this summer to have fun and stay fit. 

Low Impact Summer Activities

Warm temperatures and bright sunlight are an invitation from nature to get outdoors and get moving. There are ample opportunities to work low-impact exercises into your daily routine. These activities can be easy on your joints and help you improve your overall fitness. Before starting any new activities, it’s important to consult with your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to start exercising. Here are some low impact summer activities to try this season:

  • Yoga – Yoga can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. This exercise is good for your muscles and can help boost endorphins in your body while increasing your stability and flexibility. 
  • Water Aerobics – Aquatic fitness is an ideal low-impact exercise. The water supports your body and puts less stress on your muscles and joints. 
  • Gardening – Did you know that gardening can be more than just a hobby? This activity will benefit your muscles and your garden, and gardening outside allows you to enjoy the beautiful weather. 
  • Walking – Walking is by far the most popular low-impact exercise. It’s free and easily accessible. You can take a leisurely stroll or amp up the intensity and walk at a brisk pace. 
  • Tai Chi – Tai Chi can be enjoyed indoors or outdoors and is beneficial to your balance, flexibility, and stability. This practice also involves meditation and deep breathing, which can help reduce your stress and improve your mood. 

Contact Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions

Take some time to plan some low-impact exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our mission is to help our clients overcome any physical or emotional obstacles resulting from an injury or disease. We provide clients with encouragement and education that enables them to achieve the highest level of comfort and wellness. For more ideas for low-impact exercises, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today! 

How Do I Know If I Have RA?

Everyone can experience joint pain from time to time. As we get older, this just becomes an expected part of your daily life. However, if your joint pain is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, your life can get more complicated. Here at Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we understand that it can be challenging to cope with RA pain. Identifying RA early on can potentially help you manage your symptoms later on. To learn more about this condition, continue reading below. 

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint pain and inflammation. This condition can occur when your immune system attacks your own tissues. This condition will usually affect your hands, knees, and ankles and lead to other complications in other parts of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis will usually bring forward the following symptoms:

  • Joint stiffness that is worse after activity or upon waking. 
  • Tender, swollen, warm joints. 
  • Fatigue.
  • Fever.
  • Loss of appetite. 

In its early stages, RA typically affects your smaller joints first. You might notice pain and stiffness in the joints that attach your fingers to your hands and your toes to your feet. As this painful disease progresses, the symptoms will spread to your shoulders, hips, ankles, knees, and wrists. Our team understands that this condition can be painful and cause you significant discomfort. It would be best if you did not try to handle your rheumatoid arthritis on your own or ignore it. While there is no cure for RA, our team can help you manage your condition. You may have a negative outlook on your condition, but there are still steps you can take to improve your quality of life. Depending on the severity of your situation, the following can be utilized to help your symptoms:

  • Physical therapy exercises.
  • Steroid injections.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Surgery.
  • Joint Braces.

Contact HARS Today! 

Unfortunately, rheumatoid arthritis can quickly harm one’s quality of life. However, all is not lost! At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we can help you cope with RA’s symptoms through a personalized program. To learn more about how we can help, or to schedule an appointment, contact our team today! 

Treating Joint Dislocations for the Elderly

As we age, we lose some balance and mobility that can potentially put us at risk of injuries and health issues. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, our goal is to help our patients remain as healthy as possible. We offer various services to help patients deal with injuries and help them lead more independent lives. Please continue reading to learn how we treat joint dislocations. 

What is a Joint Dislocation?

A dislocation is caused by the bones in a joint being forced out of their usual positions. Dislocations are generally caused by traumatic impact injuries such as falls or car accidents. For smaller joints, less impact is needed to drive the joint to dislocate. Joints that have previously been dislocated can become more susceptible to dislocations, as the tissue holding the joint in place may have been stretched. Most of the joints in the body can become dislocated, but some are injured more commonly than others. Shoulder dislocations are most common among adults. Older adults tend to have poorer balance, making them more vulnerable to falls. Ligament and muscle weakness is also an issue that older adults face due to lack of fitness. Dislocations are usually easily visible. The area can be discolored and swollen or may appear deformed as a result. Some other symptoms can include:

  • Inability to move the area. 
  • Pain during movement. 
  • Numbness or tingling in the area. 

Treating Joint Dislocations

If you have a joint dislocation, you should seek out help immediately. Trying to put the joint back in place yourself can lead to further injury. After the joint has been safely moved back into position, you may need a physical therapist to help you rehabilitate. Our team will evaluate your condition and determine the appropriate rehabilitation for your injury. For elderly patients, the goal of rehabilitation is to improve your strength and range of motion and help educate you on how to prevent these injuries from reoccurring. Falls are one of the leading causes of injuries for seniors, so we will work with you to minimize your risk of falls. Some of the ways you can prevent dislocations from occurring could include:

  • Using handrails when using staircases. 
  • Remove tripping hazards from the home. 
  • Physical therapy treatment to improve balance and improve strength. 

Contact Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions

A joint dislocation can be difficult to manage on your own and can keep you from living your life comfortably. At Home Advantage Rehabilitation Solutions, we offer rehabilitation services that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Contact our team today to learn more about how we can help! 

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